What’s you word for the day? – mine is creativity

At times, when we cut some dead connections in our lives, be it only accidental or deliberate, paves way to freedom and a lot of space enough for you to enable more self-reflection, self-awareness and more space for creativity to come out naturally.

Ever since I started this blog, which by the way, 2 or 3 weeks ago, I realized that in order to increase traffic to my blog, I need to also engage and participate with like-minded people here. And not only because of that, as it also enriches me to do so, I decided to take time (every weekend because of my day job) to read and explore other blogs that is also in line with my passion of creativity in photos, abstract paintings, life’s reflections and the like.

For this weekend’s exploration, I came across and read a lot about creativity and here are my lovely discoveries:

enjoying the creative cycles in life by Tracy K. https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/164007671/posts/194 wherein she talked about different cycles of creativity. I think anyone who is creative like me would relate to this.

I like how Xenia https://tranature.com/about/ at first just used her creative passion through her blogs which end up so much more. I think one just need to stick with their own passion and the rest will fall into the right place.

Another page that always tickles my creativity is by participating in the weekly Lens-Artists Challenges https://shareandconnect.wordpress.com/lens-artists-photo-challenge/ wherein for this week, it was about Seascapes. Being an island girl myself, I particularly love this challenge as the sea and any body of waters always brings me that positive feeling. https://travelsandtrifles.wordpress.com/ 

Looking forward to know more about the creatives and their thoughts. How about you? What is you thoughts about creativity?